Friday, 24 June 2011

Future Meetings

We decided not to meet in July.
Next meeting Sep 15th.

It would help if callers could tell me their dances before we all get into holiday mood.

Please bring a friend,

Last night's tunes and dances

Joan started by repeating Circle Waltz to the tune South Wind.
Marilyn taught us Nottingham swing to the tunes Kafoozalum and Keel Row.
Peter got almost everyone up to dance Oxo reel, leaving just 4 musicians to play Oyster Girl.
We learnt the tune Duke of Kent's Waltz and Pam called the dance.
Ron called a Scottish dance, Spiffin. We played Moon and Seven Stars for it.
Jenny revised Grimstock, last time we learnt a simplified version, this time we danced the full dance.
Helen called Three Around Three. As I hadn't handed out the music for it's own tune we played Bear Dance.
Mo finished with the dance Chinese Circle to the tune Chinese Breakdown

June meeting

We met last night. Some of the people who were there last time were away, but we had 17, which was enough to dance and play.
The musicians are very versatile at getting up to dance when needed. The dancers will have to learn to play a portable instrument in time for September.