Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A final meeting

Thurs November 29th will be our last meeting.

Thanks to all those who supported us, we just didn't quite have enough since most of us can't make it every time. So I shall not continue into the new year.

The evenings we had over 2 dozen really buzzed, under a dozen we struggled. Most evenings were somewhere in between; marginal I thought.

So on Nov 29th  (the 5th Thurs in Nov.) I'll book the room from 8 - 10.30, we'll play and dance, and finish with a cuppa and a slice of Christmas cake. (If anyone else wants to bring a plate of food it would be welcome.)

Hope to see you all, lets go out with a bang.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Our November meeting

Since we can't meet on the third Thursday in November, and last year people were too busy for a meeting in December we are meeting on the 5th Wednesday in November as our Christmas 'do'. We might add a few Carol tunes to our list.

Tunes for 18th Oct

 I have chosen these from our collection

Basque Stick dance
Grandfather's Clock
Moon and Seven Stars
Rattling bog
If you would like a pdf of any of these tunes, arranged by Marilyn, they are on
Please print them if you play from the dots.

 Marilyn has made midi files. If you would like to hear the tunes  email me and I'll send you all or any of them and your computer can play them to you.

If there is time for more dances we will play other tunes from our list