Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Music and Maypoles

Come and be part of the  Northgate Quarter Village Green Day.
Sunday 28 July
12.30 - 5.00 pm
Northgate Street Chester (near the walls)

The provisional running order is
12.30 - 1.20 Music session
1.20 - 1.40, 2 - 2.20, 2.40 - 3, 3.20 - 3.40, 4 -4.20 Maypole dancing.
4.20 -5 Music session (which could continue in Alexanders after their musicians finish their spot at around 5)

I am teaching the Maypole dancing, we will probably have separate sessions for adults and children. This is aimed at the general public but I need some dancers/guinea pigs to help me out and get them started. So come and learn some maypole figures, and bring some children for the childrens session.
There will also be stalls and entertainment elsewhere in Northgate street and Rufus Court,  so why not make it a family afternoon out.

I need  a bandleader for each slot (one person or several) and musicians for the dancing. If you can let me know who is coming the bandleader can agree a set-list in advance.
I will be meeting the soundman next week, and he needs to know roughly the size of the band. Please contact me mjw@mowaddington.plus.com
If you need a seat or music stand please bring it.

Between the Maypole sessions we need bands or dance spots to keep the entertainment continuous. Any offers? The organiser would also like to hear from any Morris sides or other dance display teams who could dance at the other end of Northgate street.

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